
Welcome to Balance Crafters!

They call me Sorin and I have no problem with that. At some point in my life I concluded that it must be my name.

If you’re here to ask if there really is such a thing as a Balance Crafter, I must confess that it’s made up. It could’ve been Balance Crater, as the mighty Autocorrect suggests, but these particular words seem to hint at what I want to write about.

For me, Balance Crafting is the act of consciously choosing the paths toward mutual understanding, without sacrificing the core of who we are.

If you prefer buzzwords instead of what I wrote above, the concept draws inspiration from emotional intelligence, soft skills, nonviolent communication, empathy, vulnerability, persuasion and negotiation techniques.

The motivation for creating this website comes from my strong needs for connection and harmony.

While I don’t claim to always succeed with establishing the mutual understanding, I’ve developed several strategies that work for me, especially in the workplace.

Through this website, my aim is to share these strategies with you in a practical manner, so that you can quickly decide which are the most suitable to you.

The story

Almost half of my 15+ years of working experience is in the gaming industry, including a management role in a startup. In the more recent half, I made a bit of a career switch and entered the world of enterprise software development. I had the chance to interact with a lot of people and observe how my attitude evolved from being very anxious about every encounter, to having a good time collaborating with my peers and looking forward to the meetings with our client.

Over the years I’ve learned many things from my colleagues, sometimes directly, other times by carefully observing their interaction patterns and developing my own strategies for having better work relationships so that I can have a more enjoyable work life.

While I am not a certified researcher, nor a psychologist, I sometimes find books and other materials that seem consistent with my own observations. I’m happy to share with you information about these resources that help me understand a bit more about how people work.

Since we are on the topic, I want to express my gratitude for Marshall Rosenberg and his work on Nonviolent Communication: a person and a process that are of great inspiration to me.

I hope you will find the information presented on this site useful for your career and life in general!

Thank you for being here,

Sorin Anton

Contact Information

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints or just want to say hi, you can reach me by writing an email to:

contact (at) balancecrafters.com